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Mrs to be: Victoria is leaving!
She’s our marketing wizard, our internet ninja – and we’re all feeling a little bit sad here at Denka because our lovely Victoria Ward is leaving us! Over the past three and a half years it has been our privilege to watch Victoria blossom into her role as Digital Development executive and while she will be sorely missed here at Denka, it’s also a really exciting time because she’s heading off to start a whole new life in Northamptonshire as a newlywed!
We caught up with her to find out more about her plans for the next chapter...
She said: “I’ll be sad to go but it’s going to be quite an exciting change for me! Over the three and a half years I’ve been at Denka I’ve been in varied roles but for the most part I’ve been in Marketing of some kind. I dipped my toes in customer service and soon realized it wasn’t necessarily the role for me, but I was really glad of the experience!
“The team here at Denka are great, pretty much family to be honest. I’ll miss them all, I’ve got fond memories of the laughs we’ve had in the office over the years and have just really appreciated the opportunity to learn about the dental market. I will never forget the names of those scary looking instruments that dentists poke around your mouth!
“This is also maybe a fun time to tell everyone that my name’s not really Victoria! It’s been quite interesting having a change of name for work purposes. Because we had a colleague here with the same first name and initials when I started, it made sense to switch me over to my middle name, but my real name is Emma. It was strangely easy to adapt to; when I’m at work if anyone was to call me Emma they would probably think I was being rude because it just doesn’t register - but at the same time outside of work if someone calls me Victoria I wouldn’t be the first to respond!”
So there we have it – digital whizz and woman of mystery to boot! Victoria will be saying her farewells at the end of the month as she heads off to finish up her wedding preparations and it’s safe to say Denka just won’t be the same without her. We wish her every happiness in her new life!